The Buoyant Business
How simplicity can keep your organization afloat in today’s story economy
Versión original
The Buoyant Business invites you to look deep inside the ocean of process and personnel, strategies and data, innovation, and artificial intelligence, deep down to where we believe nothing happens. This book is aimed at that group of professionals who are drowning in a labyrinth of complex situations and with processes that are not a real reflection of the company’s needs. The Buoyant Business offers a simple guide to use when making decisions, during the course of change management, and when you want to achieve the ultimate business transformation.
Bajo el agua
Cómo la simplicidad puede mantener su organización a flote en la economía tormentosa de hoy
Versión en español de The Buoyant Business
Bajo el Agua te invita a mirar en lo más profundo del océano de procesos y personal, estrategias y datos, innovación e inteligencia artificial, hasta donde creemos que no sucede nada. Este libro está dirigido a ese grupo de profesionales que se ahoga en un laberinto de situaciones complejas y con procesos que no son un reflejo real de las necesidades de la empresa. Bajo el Agua te ofrece una guía sencilla para utilizar al tomar decisiones, durante el curso de la gestión del cambio y cuando desee lograr la transformación empresarial definitiva.
Today´s Inspired Leaders IV
Stories of Impact, Community and Legacy
Spun with inspiration, priceless wisdom, and humor, the Today’s Inspired Leader book series is a collection of stories that depicts men and women at their best—achieving success, learning from failures, and finding the path to a life of significance within their work, families, and communities.
By sharing the rich tapestry of their experiences within their personal and professional worlds, each leader opens our minds to possibilities within our own lives, and where we can journey if we let vision, grit, and faith lead the way.
tributo a la resiliencia, determinación y capacidad de mujeres que buscan dejar huella.
En español.
Prepárate para entrar en la vida y el corazón de estas 24 mujeres valientes y determinadas que han resignificado el éxito y han alcanzado sus sueños. Juntas descubriremos las adversidades y desafíos, y aprenderemos cómo ellas derribaron las barreras que había en el camino. Cada capítulo presenta a una mujer única que se atrevió a contar su historia personal para compartir las lecciones que la vida le ha dejado. De todas las áreas, de muchos países, con muchas profesiones, de diferentes edades, pero todas tienen algo en común: son mujeres hechas a pulso.
Today´s Inspired Latina IX
Life Stories of Success in the Face of Adversity
There is one thing that has been constant along the way: the results and delays have always been directly affected by my actions and reactions.
Without intending to minimize the problems, struggles, frustration, and confusion that we all may face throughout our lives, let me state that if we take the right equipment, sharp tools, and a precise mindset, our journey will be easier, more enjoyable, and we will definitely reach our destination at the end of the day. I love the metaphor of a road trip to illustrate my life. Obviously, it would be faster and statistically safer if we took a plane, but we would miss out on the treasure of experiences and landscapes. The lessons to be learned and the wonders a detour can bring are priceless.
Hispanic Stars Rising
Every second of our lives…
Who is Adriana? I asked my husband, and his response didn’t surprise me; however, it made me think about how I can use the perception people have of me to encourage them. ‘Adriana is not the typical woman or mom. She’s not the kind of woman who volunteers to bake a cake for a school fundraiser. Instead, Adriana will run a Spartan race for a cause or go on a mission trip to help communities rebuild their homes.’
I am a passionate person with the ability to embrace change and seek efficiencies in any circumstance. My faith has made me a brave and strong person. My character is simply the result of the experiences, changes, and challenges I encountered over the years and how I chose to react in every second of my life.